Time For You to Become a Leader

3 min readFeb 22, 2022


We have been filled with legends Of Great Leaders Since Childhood but we all get to believe the fact that leaders were born great!

That is, are great leaders just born with a small set of programmed traits that

make them great, or can leadership be learned, or “made?”

“well, I never met a leader that wasn’t born.”

Since you are making time to study this article to become a true leader, I guess that you would say — “made,”

or perhaps even “both.”

So, I’m assuming “made” factors into your answer somewhere.

The most widely accepted phenomenon I hear is both.

And I agree, as does evidence from research in leadership development.

Individuals can and do improve their leadership effectiveness.

It’s easy to visualize what “both” means if we think of a sports analogy.

So, I may not have been born with the same innate talents for golf as Tiger Woods.

But regardless of where I start, I can improve my effectiveness as a golfer. And so can Tiger

for that matter.

Regardless of what you start with, everyone can improve.

And the same is true for leadership; regardless of where you start, everyone can improve.

So, that brings us to a very crucial question


How does a person learn to lead, and improve their effectiveness as a leader?

The answer to this question is not so obvious but surely as I breakdown things the first and foremost thing is to understand how to learn to lead; it’s about

how to expand your capacity to lead, regardless of your starting point And believe me you are the only one who knows where you stand right now and where you want to go as a leader. You might feel like you don’t –but deep in your heart you, let’s take it that way, that the leadership self of you hides somewhere inside and you need to find and polish that.

Before HOW you learn to do that. you do need to know; what exactly is leadership?

And, what does it take to be an effective leader?

Okay be honest with yourself, take a minute and think of the things that come to your mind when talking about leadership, then do compare your perspective with mine and make sure you reach a conclusion

I admired this definition of leadership way back and I am gonna break down it for you

“ leadership is a process of social influence that maximizes sustained effort of others toward a shared goal.”

Let’s break this down.

You have already discovered the idea that you have to be adaptable to influence others. So this adaptability translates to a process you can think of it as diagnosis & choose a deliberate action for remediation.

The term “maximizes” is used because it reminds us that perfectly sustained effort isn’t attainable. You are just working to get it to its best possible state. And we consider sustained effort to be unwavering energy. This translates to an individual or team (whoever you are trying to lead) having a consistent and maintained effort.

This one seems simple, but people can miss the mark easily: you have to define your shared goal with your team or individual! You don’t want to get stuck influencing someone down a completely wrong path because you didn’t unify your goal. You have to use your influence to get them to buy into the goal as much as you have.

I believe that this ideology can never satisfy the different perspectives there exists on What is leadership but this is something I have admired for years

IF you made it till the end, I am optimistic that you will improve as a Leader and in person

Best Wishes!




An Entrepreneur and productivity obssessed individual , learning and sharing knowledge along the way